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Sizes : 500 ml, 1 L and 4 L
Lime water (saturated) for making your oliocalcaria liniments.
INCI : Hydroxide calcium
Keep children out of reach. Wear gloves during handling (basic pH) and avoid contact with eyes. Do not apply pure to the skin. Do not ingest.
The liniment is very simple to make. Just add lime water quietly, stirring, to the same amount of oil to choose from (example, 100 ml of lime water per 100 ml ofolive oil), until homogeneity.
The liniment can be used as cleaning milk and baby cleaner treatment.
Le liniment suivi de l’application d’un hydrolat pour neutraliser sont une routine parfaite pour le nettoyage du visage
Déjà acheté en format plus petit! J’adore pour le liniment oléocalcaire!