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Latin name : Ulmus Rubra
Part : Liber (internal bark)
Quantity : 100 g or 454 g (1lb)
Properties : Extremely emollient powder. L'Slippery elm balance transit intestinal. Gastro plant! Sprinkle the powder in water, let stand for a few minutes and wait for the formation of a gel before drinking. For children, disperse the powder in an apple compote.
Precautionary : Space the catch of theSlippery elm With the 4 -hour medication. Mucilages can inhibit medication action.
Plant powders uses: In capsules, in food, in Smoothies, in pastilles and energy balls, then externally (cosmetics, ointments, poultices). Unless exceptional, plant powders are not soluble in water, although several molecules they contain. For better results, it is preferable to extract these molecules in water, alcohol, even in oil (some molecules are fat -soluble). For more information, School Les Souls Fleurs offers An introductory workshop And An à la carte lesson on the manufacture of therapeutic products.
We advise you to consult a health professional before using medicinal plants, especially if you are pregnant, breastfeeding or under medication.
Information on this website has not been evaluated by Health Canada and does not replace the opinion of a healthcare professionals. She is only informative.
Excellent pour la digestion autant pour moi que pour mes animaux de compagnie!
Excellent service qualité